Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Imagine our surprise

So the opening of the boxes started off with a nice surprise. The very first box contained a 5 volume set of Les Miserables from 1887.

I'm guessing the first edition of this was printed in French. These books also have a copyright of 1886 in them. Is this a first edition in English? It doesn't say. The first edition from this publisher? Who knows? I don't have the time at the moment to find out. But it's old! And I treasure it. And it was a great way to start our journey.

Wait! I put that huge 5 volume copy (of a book I will probably never read) on the 'to keep' shelf.

I was going to say the good news was that no boxes went back into the basement. But the truth is that we really didn't throw much out either. Most of the items were sorted through and we put a small amount back into use like the baby toys we had been missing.

In the box of baby toys were two phones. Niether of them worked and when Genny was a baby she liked to push the buttons so we kept them for her to play with. As we were going through the baby toys Sheila said to throw one of them out, we only needed one. I said that we had two kids so we should have two phones. She agreed. I playfully celebrated with, "I win!" Her response was a dead pan, "Did you win?"

Maybe this isn't a good start after all.


  1. LOL! This is going to be a funny journey!

  2. Ok, so what did you actually THROW OUT?

  3. Good question! Hopefully, I will answer that question today. And it's pretty sad. We kept almost everything.

  4. Now that I see Sheila's post with how many things we threw away and kept, I'm saying Junk 1, Us 0. Day 1 is a bad example of how to get rid of things. :)
