Sunday, July 19, 2009

Week Two

We have decided for our five boxes this weekend to tackle the equivalent of five boxes of stuff in our dining room. Our dining room will then become our staging and display area for our Five Box adventure.

Cole is happily bouncing in his exercauser and Genny is in the living room absorbed by her new Rainbow Fairy sticker and stencil books.

OK—let’s do this thing.

Nick and I are flattening out newspaper from last week’s dishes and I break my pinky nail off. Genny comes in to see what we are doing, sees my broken nail dangling from my finger, grabs it and says, “Ooh, can I keep it?!”

Proof that there really is an “I’ve got to keep it” gene and our daughter has inherited it!

So we made a big pile of books…a big pile of books! And there were a few other miscellaneous items, too.

The List

2 Puzzle 3D—Taj Mahal and Alpine Castle; each with over 1000 pieces

70 Books – 57 religious, 13 other; 5 from pre-1900, 8 from 1900-1929, 7 from 1930-1949, 2 that are definitely old, but missing the page with the copyright on them

Dried flowers in a picture frame

1 crying baby

Sister Corita art book box with articles from the newspaper and prints, too. (This was my mom’s)

Sissy pile of bible and religious pamphlet thingies

1 postcard from Paris to Sissy from 1954 found inside My Spiritual Exercises, Kearney, John, 1945.

Various papers found inside The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola, Mullan, Elder Father, 1914.

Social Security Act card for Sissy, 1945.

1952 Catholic Calendar card

Sissy typed out “Prayer for Russia – To the Little Flower”

Check back soon to see photos and our list of the books we found this weekend!


  1. ooooh! your list of followers is growing! I'm jealous!

  2. p.s. why do you have Sissy's social security card? that's so odd! you gotta eBay that Sissy stuff - the Catholic Calendar card, I can't wait to see a picture of it!

  3. What's cool is that it isn't even a ss card, it's a request for a ss#. This was before you got a ss# at birth.
